Cane da pastore del Caucaso

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Cane da pastore del Caucaso

Best Sellers - Cane da pastore del Caucaso

NEW ARRIVALS - Cane da pastore del Caucaso

Caucasian Shepherd dog breed is represented by very strongly-boned, very muscular and bad-tempered Molossers dogs. Caucasian Shepherd dogs are subdivided into two types: mountain and plain. Plain dogs have a shorter coat and are taller as they are more lightly built. And a mountain dogs have a heavier coat and are more muscularly built Our dog shop represents different equipment for Caucasian Shepherd training. One can find here suitable Caucasian Shepherd harness (nylon harness or leather harness), Caucasian Shepherd Muzzle (wire muzzle or leather muzzle), Caucasian Shepherd Lead or Leash (nylon or leather), Caucasian Shepherd collar (leather collars and nylon collars) and so on. If you do not find anything for your dog, than contact us and we will recommend and find an appropriate Caucasian Shepherd staff.